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Protect your eyes during the total solar eclipse

人们会,如果可以的话,应该抓住机会走出去见证这一切. It is spectacular, and it is very easy to do it safely.

The total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, can be viewed safely if using specially designed eclipse glasses, but not regular sunglasses, explains ophthalmologist Robert Fechtner, MD. Looking at the sun, even briefly, can cause 当他描述如何观看日食时,他说严重和永久性的眼睛损伤. which will reach totality over much of Central, Northern and Western New York. Fechtner, chair of ophthalmology and visual sciences at Upstate, is looking forward to viewing the rare solar event -- safely.



How to view the eclipse safely

Take special precautions for eye safety when viewing the eclipse.

直接观察未日食或部分日食的太阳的唯一安全方法是通过特殊用途的太阳过滤器, such as “eclipse glasses” or handheld solar viewers. Eclipse glasses can be obtained at various locations in the community, including the MOST and the I Love New York store at Destiny. If your eclipse glasses are damaged, discard them, do not use them.
  • Ordinary sunglasses are not safe for looking at the sun; they transmit far more sunlight than is safe for your eyes.
  • 不要用未滤光的相机观察未日食或部分日食的太阳, telescope, binoculars or other optical device.
  • 寻找标有“ISO 12312-2”并具有ISO认证的日食眼镜.

Eclipse timetable

In Central New York, the timetable for the solar eclipse is as follows:
  • Start of partial eclipse: 2:09 p.m.
  • Start of total eclipse: 3:23:12 p.m.
  • End of total eclipse: 3:24:15 p.m.
  • End of partial eclipse: 4:34 p.m.
The total eclipse in Syracuse is expect to last approximately one minute.