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Nappi Center News

Goal is for patients to feel as if they'd never had the surgery

Goal is for patients to feel as if they'd never had the surgery

November 30, 2023

Interview with Zachary Telgheder, MD, Upstate orthopedic surgeon

Disease can differ greatly from patient to patient

Disease can differ greatly from patient to patient

November 29, 2023

Interview with Alex Hensel, MD on how Fibromyalgia does not have a cure, but...

Rapidly evolving technology lacks guidelines, rules or laws

Rapidly evolving technology lacks guidelines, rules or laws

November 27, 2023

Serife Tekin, PhD, explains some of the ethical concerns surrounding artificial...

Experts stress need to keep pot edibles, especially candies, locked up

Experts stress need to keep pot edibles, especially candies, locked up

November 27, 2023

Toxicologist Michael Hodgman, MD discusses the challenges arising from the...

Guidelines take years of cigarette smoking into account

Guidelines take years of cigarette smoking into account

November 27, 2023

Surgeon Michael Archer, DO discusses why screening people who are high risk for...

The disorder can disrupt life in a household

The disorder can disrupt life in a household

November 20, 2023

Interview with Lubov Leontieva, MD, PhD, and Anureet Sekhon, MBBS

Combining cell biology and bioengineering, researchers work to create 'mini kidney' for accurate testing

Combining cell biology and bioengineering, researchers work to create 'mini kidney' for accurate testing

November 16, 2023

The research venture between Upstate and Syracuse University is funded by a...

Ethical questions abound if humans are wired to machines

Ethical questions abound if humans are wired to machines

November 16, 2023

L. Syd Johnson, PhD, associate professor of bioethics and humanities discusses...

Exercise expert explains benefits of movement

Exercise expert explains benefits of movement

November 14, 2023

Interview with Carol Sames, PhD, Upstate exercise physiologist

How behavior is rewarded offers clues to solutions

How behavior is rewarded offers clues to solutions

November 13, 2023

Interview with Andy Craig, PhD explaining resistance to change and behavioral...

How diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are diagnosed, treated

How diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are diagnosed, treated

November 9, 2023

Interview with neurologist and researcher Tinatin Chabrashvili, MD, PhD

Bulges in brain arteries can sometimes be left alone

Bulges in brain arteries can sometimes be left alone

November 8, 2023

Interview with Aravind Reddy, MD, and Hesham Masoud, MD

Tough decisions await those with end-stage kidney disease

Tough decisions await those with end-stage kidney disease

November 8, 2023

Interview with Ayorinde Soipe, MD, a resident physician at Upstate

Research points to more convenient drug

Research points to more convenient drug

November 6, 2023

Interview with Audrey Bernstein, PhD, ophthalmology researcher and professor

Upstate researchers find young adults with type 2 diabetes don’t take medications as directed, leading to significant health issues

Upstate researchers find young adults with type 2 diabetes don’t take medications as directed, leading to significant health issues

November 1, 2023

Drs. Ruth Weinstock and Paula Trief says medication adherence rates for young...

Researcher awarded $600,000 federal grant to investigate link between obesity and chronic wounds

Researcher awarded $600,000 federal grant to investigate link between obesity and chronic wounds

October 30, 2023

Dr. Norifumi Urao's work aims to understand how chronic wounds are related to...

Ombudsmen deal with problems in nursing homes, assisted living facilities

Ombudsmen deal with problems in nursing homes, assisted living facilities

October 30, 2023

Interview with Rebecca Alder of Arise Child and Family Services

War,  political and social instability play a part

War, political and social instability play a part

October 30, 2023

Hani Aiash, MD, PhD, has looked into Iraq’s mental health crisis and discusses...

Upstate researcher awarded $1.2 million federal grant to look at prevention of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy

Upstate researcher awarded $1.2 million federal grant to look at prevention of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy

October 12, 2023

SUDEP is the most common disease-related cause of death with epilepsy.

Up Close: How immune checkpoint inhibitors revolutionize cancer treatment

Up Close: How immune checkpoint inhibitors revolutionize cancer treatment

October 11, 2023

These medications are generally well tolerated by patients
