


The SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 血液学/肿瘤学 Fellowship program aligns seamlessly with the overarching mission of 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 – the enhancement of community health through education, 生物医学探索, 以及以病人为中心的护理. Our program's primary objective is to nurture future hematology/oncology physicians who possess not only exceptional competency but also profound 同情.

通过教学和临床成分的混合, 我们的方法以前沿循证医学的应用为中心. Our educational framework is meticulously structured to imbue trainees with an all-encompassing and in-depth understanding of the intricate realms of hematology and medical oncology. This equips them to render an invaluable health护理 service founded on scientific rigor, 技术熟练, 明智的决策, 以及坚定不移的职业道德.

此外,研究是我们课程的一个组成部分. 通过培养探究的文化, we empower trainees to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge and the refinement of patient 护理 practices. This commitment to research not only enriches their learning experience but also empowers them to drive progress in the fields of hematology and oncology.

在本质上, 我们的课程超越了传统教育, 成型善解人意, 熟练的, and research-driven hematology/oncology practitioners who are poised to shape the future of health护理.


  • 医生将有能力实践循证医学.
  • 医师毕业后将具备临床能力.
  • 医生将展示有效的沟通技巧.
  • 医生将展示专业发展和成长.
  • 医生将展示有效的批判性思维/解决问题的能力.
  • 医生将善于批判性地评价医学文献.
  • Physicians will be competent at performing essential procedures such as bone marrow aspiration/biopsy, 外围涂片, administration of intra-thecal chemotherapy that are critical to the practice of hematology and oncology.
In addition, the program integrates the following ACGME competencies into the curriculum:


研究员必须能够提供富有同情心的病人护理, 适当的, 并有效地治疗健康问题和促进健康. 研究员应:

  • 学习健康促进的实践, 疾病预防, 诊断, 护理, 以及对男性和女性从青春期到老年的治疗, 在健康和疾病的各个阶段
  • Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring and respectful behaviors when interacting with patients and their 家庭
  • 收集关于病人的基本和准确的信息
  • Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preferences, 最新的科学证据, 以及临床判断
  • 制定和执行病人管理计划
  • 为患者及其家属提供咨询和教育
  • Use information technology to support patient 护理 decisions and patient education
  • Perform competently all medical and invasive procedures considered essential for the area of practice
  • Provide health 护理 services aimed at preventing health problems or maintaining health
  • 与医疗保健专业人员合作, 包括其他学科的学生, 提供以病人为中心的护理


获奖者必须具备已建立的和正在发展的生物医学知识, 临床, 流行病学, 以及社会行为科学, 以及将这些知识应用于病人护理. 研究员应:

  • Demonstrate and investigator and analytic thinking approach to 临床 situations
  • Know and apply the basic and 临床ly supportive sciences which are 适当的 to their discipline
  • 被期望学习解决问题的科学方法, 循证决策, 终身学习的承诺, 以及一种源于人文和职业价值观的关怀态度


研究员必须能够调查和评估他们的病人护理实践, 评估和吸收科学证据, and to continuously improve their patient 护理 practices based on constant self-evaluation and life-long training. Fellows are expected to develop skills and habits to be able to meet the following goals:

  • 确定个人知识和专业技能的优势、不足和局限
  • 设定学习和改进的目标
  • 识别并执行适当的学习活动
  • 运用质量改进方法系统分析实践, 并以实践改进为目标实施变更
  • 将形成性评价反馈纳入日常实践
  • 定位, 评价, and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related to their patients’ health problems
  • 利用信息技术优化学习, access on-line medical information; and support their own education
  • Participate in the education of patients, 家庭, students, Fellows and other health professions
  • Analyze practice experience and perform practice-based improvement activities using a systematic methodology
  • Obtain and use information about their own population of patients and the larger population fro which their patients are drawn
  • Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical methods to the appraisal of 临床 studies and other information on diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness


Fellows must be able to demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange and teaming with patients, 他们的病人家属, 以及专业助理. 研究员应:

  • 与患者建立并维持良好的治疗和道德关系
  • Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide information using effective nonverbal, 说明, 质疑, 写作技巧
  • Work effectively with others as a member or leader of a health 护理 team or other professional group
  • Communicate effectively with physicians, other health professionals, and health related 年龄ncies
  • 与患者有效沟通, 家庭, 公众, 适当的, 跨越广泛的社会经济和文化背景
  • 向其他医生和卫生专业人员提供咨询意见
  • 如适用,维护全面、及时、清晰的医疗记录


Fellows must demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities, 遵守道德原则, 以及对不同患者群体的敏感性. 研究员应:

  • 展示尊重, 同情, and integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of patients and 社会 that supersedes self-interest; accountability to patients, 社会, and the profession; and a commitment to excellence and on-going professional development
  • Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles pertaining to provision or withholding of 临床 护理, 患者信息的保密性, 知情同意, 商业惯例
  • 表现出对病人的敏感性和反应性,无论他们的文化如何, 年龄, 性别, 和残疾


Fellows must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger context and system of health 护理 and the ability to effectively call on system resources to provide 护理 that is of optimal value. 研究员应:

  • Understand how their patient 护理 and other professional practices affect other health 护理 professionals, 医疗保健机构, and the larger 社会 and how these elements of the system affect their own practice
  • 了解不同类型的医疗实践和提供系统之间的差异, 包括控制保健费用和分配资源的方法
  • Practice cost-effective health 护理 and resource allocation that does not compromise quality of 护理
  • Advocate for quality patient 护理 and assist patients in dealing with system complexities
  • 知道如何与卫生保健管理人员和卫生保健提供者合作进行评估, 协调, and improve health 护理 and know how these activities can affect system performance
  • Work in inter-professional teams to enhance patients safety and improve patient 护理 quality
  • Participate in identifying system errors and implementing potential systems solutions